when i was going to home , i drop in dvd's store to bought some dvd . actually i just wanna bought the curious case of benjamin button .
but when i looking for in to the wild -kristen's movie i found this movie > that's ASHLEY GREENE's movie - SUMMER'S BLOOD such like thriller movie . i'm very afraid watching alone, my brother is going with my father :( wanna watching with me ? -puppy eyes-
i bought in ciputat but more expensive than Poins square . in point square just 6 thousand and in ciputat 7 thousand . Akhirnya gue nonton benbutton di dvd aje deh XD review later, oka ? *** HE IS F*CKING CUTE :'> untung td elo dateng . hehe Labels: movie |
gila benjamin button keren abis tu pelm